Code for San Francisco

  • Blog story covering Open Data Day: I wrote the piece and created the header image.

  • Interaction design: making it easy to understand the service

  • Local Free Web guerrilla marketing

I have volunteered with Code for America since the Fall of 2013 and have been on the Core Team since January 2014. My activities evolve depending on current projects. Featured:

Code for San Francisco logo (featured above in slideshow)

Code for San Francisco Blog:
I write regularly for the Brigade’s blog covering projects and events:

Local Free Web
A service designed to help folks with no internet enabled devices to find internet access without needing the web to find a location. How it works: people text a Muni bus stop number to the given number. The locations of the closest free internet enabled computers are texted back.

My role:
When I joined the project it was a function application but required user UX/UI for the website. Offline marketing materials also needed to be created to explain how to easily use the service. I created a unified online/offline experience. The offline experience uses the time tested guerilla marketing tactic: flyers on phone poles to target folks with no internet enabled computers while they wait for buses.



Code for America is a non-profit organization dedicated to using open source technology for the common good. Code for San Francisco is the local volunteer chapter that I volunteer for.


Code for America/Code for San Francisco


Social Media/Communications
Graphic Design
User Experience
User Experience Research


User Experience